We also collaborate with companies and charities by writing articles for their websites and blogs. Some of them are in a different language, but all talk about psychology and/or cancer topics.


Ecopsychology: the people and the planet’s wellbeing

Ecopsychology is a branch of psychology that explores the relationship between our minds and our environment. sidekick’s community psychologist Marina introduces us to ecopsychology and how we can take care of ourselves, by focusing on – and strengthening our relationship with – our social and natural environments.


Musing on how we speak to ourselves

“Why am I feeling like this? Why can’t I stop thinking about this? Why can’t I do something about it…I should be working harder, I shouldn’t feel this way, I shouldn’t have these thoughts, I must try again, I have to keep up…I’m not good enough, i’m a failure, I can’t stand myself, I don’t like myself, i’m not worthy at all, 'i’’m so bad at it, such a disappointment, how embarrassing, i’m ashamed of myself…”

Do any of the above sound familiar?


Oncology Experience (Barcelona, Spain)

Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. Today’s blog post is addressed to a very specific but common situation in (unfortunately) some people’s everyday life: dealing with cancer.

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Problem Solving Brief Therapy

When it comes to the therapy field, it is pretty common to hear stuff like “I’ve been going to my therapist for 2 years now”, “I was in therapy for 8 months”, “I have therapy sessions since I was a teenager”, etc.

It somehow seems that taking care of your mental health is a procedure (obviously) and it’s going to take a while. But how long is “a while”? 


Cancer and resilience: why patients are trained in resilience

Nowadays cancer is such a prevalent topic in our society that almost everybody knows someone who’s dealing with it. In this article we explore the latests research on psychological treatment and its benefits for the medical results.


Digital Mental Health: a solution to the global mental health crisis

At sidekick, we exist because there’s a global mental health crisis that has worsened even more this year and we believe that people should have access to basic tools and information to face it. 

Unfortunately, mental health services are not only saturated but also difficult to access. This is why more than ever, there is a need for a solution, a digital solution with a lot of advantages.  


New mental health department at ICT

Welcome to the new mental health department at the International Center of Tilburg (ICT)! For those of you who are new, the ICT has been a point of reference for internationals in Tilburg. It’s a place where you can find help/advice, learn Dutch, meet other internationals and even find support for your mental health.